
The relationship between editor and author is uniquely personal. As such, I offer a sample 1,000-word edit at no charge so we can determine if we are a good fit for each other. All editorial work will be done in MS Word using the review and comment functions to offer suggestions for corrections and improvements.

My reading and editing happy place is any sub-genre of romance, but I also edit general fiction, fantasy, historical, and women’s fiction. I am a safe space for LGBTQIA+ authors and I celebrate diverse voices. However, I am not a sensitivity reader so I encourage all authors who are writing outside of their lived experience to seek out those services.

Please note: if you write on-page non-consent or sexual coercion, extreme violence including on-page sexual assault, gore, serial killers, or childhood illnesses, abuse or traumatic deaths, I may not be the editor for you. I am comfortable with characters that need to reconcile deep emotional issues and traumatic backstories, but I require content warnings in advance of your submission so I can assess your manuscript properly.